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Yes Some Nigeria Youths Are Lazy, I Agree With Mr President – A Naijaloadite

I got this mail from a Naijaloadite this morning who seems to agree with the president that THE NIGERIAN YOUTHS ARE LAZY.

Let’s dissect this Region by Region:-


What will you call this when SOME youth decide to ransack their community in the name of Cultism.

Most times engaging in the Raping of their own Sisters and Mothers on their way to farm,since they the Youth cultists decide that the bush is now their home.

If the above fact is not being senseless and Lazy. Or what will you call this when SOME Youth totally shut down both Economy and social activities in the community in the name of cultism and being the Don.

Last year a state granted amnesty to more than 23000 in cultism alone not to talk of the ones engaged in kidnapping and robbery,human trafficking to Italy and Lybia.

The militants in the Presidential amnesty program are refusing an offer by the federal govt in giving them packages so that they can establish on their own instead of collecting monthly stipend. They’re rejecting it,so this is Laziness.


The issue of Drug trafficking which most times some youths are arrested and executed in places like South Africa, India, Malaysia, Indonesia to mentioned but few.

Not to forget the issue of baby factory, 419 and adulteration of drugs and drinks to the detriment of people health because of get rich quick syndrome.. Yes SOME Youths are Lazy.


The very rampart issues of rituals killing for power and money that is being spearheaded by youths is here. What of the Yahoo Yahoo mentality.

Of recent SOME LAZY and SENSELESS youth were arrested with human parts and fetish things. So this is being Lazy and Senseless. All because of get rich quick.


What will you say of Some Youth who prefer to be suicide bombers than be Educated. Or is it Religion intolerance resulting to the Killing of innocent souls. This is Laziness and being senseless that youth prefer to live a poor oriented live than to be educated.

So Mr President I Agree with you that SOME Nigeria YOUTHS are LÀZY.

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